There are many factors that can lead to an Oregon couple’s decision to divorce. People may simply grow apart over the years, or they may experience more dramatic events like infidelity, abuse or addiction. In any case, both parties may be happier after the end of a marriage. However, because divorce also is a serious legal and financial matter, many couples want to consider all their options before making a final decision. They may try to rekindle the spark between them or go to counseling. Here are some common signs that people are getting ready to move on from their marriage.
Many couples headed for divorce stop spending time with one another. Each spouse may hang around late at the office or otherwise avoid alone time with the other spouse. These couples may not eat dinner together or share conversation or hobbies. While they may initially attribute these things to clashing work schedules, it can indicate a long-term loss of interest in the other person. In addition, when people give up hobbies and other activities that they previously shared, they stop spending fun time with the other person, leaving them with little but logistics in common.
In many ways, couples headed for divorce often live separate lives. They may not consider each other when making big decisions, and they may prioritize career moves over the relationship. Motivated, driven people can still have happy marriages, but they usually consider their partners as well as their next steps at work simultaneously and do not see the two as contradictory.
Divorce often comes after years of unhappiness and growing recognition of the end of a marriage. A family law attorney may be able to help a divorcing spouse to negotiate a fair settlement on a range of issues, including property division and spousal support.