Parents in Oregon who are getting a divorce should know that research shows that having consistent and frequent contact with their children via text and social media can be an important factor in fortifying their relationship. The researchers also determined that in cases in which the children and divorced parents are residing in separate households, the state of the relationship between the divorcing parents was not a factor in the parent-child relationship as long as there was sufficient communication between the children and parents.
Mental health professionals have long hypothesized that the relationship between parents and their children after a divorce is a significant factor in how the kids are able to handle the divorce. They also believed that it impacted the quality of the relationship between children and parents.
In order to determine how parental relationships factored into parent-child relationships, the research examined data collected from almost 400 divorced parents in the United States who had children who were 10 to 18 years of age. The results of the research showed that there were three categories of post-divorce co-parenting styles: conflicted, moderately engaged and cooperative.
The research also included an examination of multiple characteristics of the relationship between a parent and child. The researchers examined inconsistent discipline methods, parental closeness and warmth and parental knowledge of a child.
The styles of co-parenting did not seem to affect the parent-child relationship after a divorce. However, the frequency of communication was found to have made a significant difference.
A family law attorney may assist divorcing parents with resolving issues related to the care of their children, such as parenting time and child custody. A lawyer may consider the factors of the case and recommend litigation to obtain the child custody, visitation and parenting time settlement terms a client desires.